Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections

  • Counselling on STI/HIV/AIDS
  • Positive prevention counselling and education
  • Nutritional education including kitchen gardening
  • Offering free treatment  including facilites for drug addicts
  • Free HIV tests
  • Free CD4 tests and providing of antiretroviral medication from governmental facilities 
  • Extension of health clinics and offering outreach health camps with a qualified medical team


Counselling on STDs
Counselling on STDs
Offering free HIV tests to a woman
Offering free HIV tests to a woman

Dear friends

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for considering a contribution that will directly transform the future of a vulnerable girl and pave the way for a brighter life for a struggling family.Your support is invaluable to us, and we invite you to reach out to us at or call us to discuss how your generous donation can make a significant difference.Thank you in advance for your compassion and commitment.

Warm Regards

CMM Team


Liebe Freunde

 Wir freuen uns über jeden Cent ihrer Spende, der direkt einem Mädchen in einer schwierigen Lebenssituation zu Gute kommt, welches von einer sicheren Zukunft und einer neuen Familie in einem besseren Leben träumt...

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns unter oder rufen Sie uns an. 

Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Ihr CMM Team



Last update:

03. 08. 2024


We are currently improving this website.


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